Friday, October 15, 2004

I need a time machine

Well its friday night. Finished work at the VO today (sob sob), will be nice to move onto some new work but you guys reading this from the office you are all top notch and I will miss the banter!! Good luck to those of you in the fantasy football although we all know Sarb is going to run away with it! I'd just like to say a special thanks at this point to Jessica Simpson and Polly for their sweet prezzies today, I really appreciate them!!

I should've spend more time since the last post physically getting more of my possesions ready to pack and take, although i'm content at the moment telling myself i have acomprehensive mental list going on in this head of mine. One half of my luggage allowance is immediately taken up by my hockey gear, so the second bag is more a case of which tees do i want to be wearing.... hmmm this could take a few days........ anyone got aspare Delorean with functioning time circuits?

I ought to be getting my new digi cam soon after landing so make sure y'all check back to see what i've been upto.


At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya steve!!! I dunno where we are supposed to leave you messages but here will do I suppose Cant wait to hear how you are getting on so make sure you keep us up to date! The bio birds all miss ya and say hi! I am now minus tonsils and have lots of spare time so make sure you put up lots of interesting stuff to read. Missin ya lots Sven love Nic x x x


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