Friday, November 12, 2004

Grouse Mountain

Yesterday, a day with no work and a promising weather report, we took advantage to take the seabus and then the number 236 bus on upto grouse mountain. The low morning cloud had disappeared by the time we got off the bus at the foot of the cable car.

Below you can see a plethora of new pics. Yes i know, it's taken a while, but i had to buy a coffee and oatmeal fudge square to do it! Hard work. So now i know i can plug in the camera etc, i'll be updating the pics from there, and writing the posts on free time a the Library. The pics are not in time order for, it would be a bit strange to have a sunset at mid-day, so i just wanted to point that out.

There are a couple pics of the new living room table and some of my work clothes. The titles and descriptions are pretty self explainatory, but it was soooooo hard going to buy clothes! - i'm liking the discount!

Fave radio Stations at the moment:
99.3FM the FOX and 730AM MOJO sports radio

the funky lounge table from IKEA!!!!!

My room sans bed.

'work' clothes, was such a hardship buying them!!!!!!

More mountains!

The Rockies as seen from the peak.

The top peak of Grouse, currently with no snow. was a real nice sunny November day. We skirted around and walked to the top.

a surrounding valley earlier in the day.

Sunset from the top of grouse mountain. Onthe middle left side of the frame is Stanley Park. The land mass behind that is Kits and Point Grey, where the penthouse is. The sun is setting over the mountains on vancouver island.

Can you spot the grizzly bear?

Hanging off the cable car service steps, not a bad view in the background!

Relaxing in the ski chalet.

Ice rink at the top of grouse mountain.